When making a reservation, you will be will requested to provide your credit card details. We do not ask for an advance, however in case of late cancellation or no show, an amount of €50 per person will be charged. Please read the Terms and Conditions on this page with the explanation.

TELEPHONE: +34 965 76 66 06

Partida Pamis, 7-30 – 03760 – Ondara, Alicante

Starting time of your reservation:

Wednesday to Sunday 13:00 – 14:30
Thursday to Saturday 19:30 – 21:00

TELEPHONE: +34 965 76 66 06

Partida Pamis, 7-30 – 03760 – Ondara, Alicante

Starting time of your reservation:

Wednesday to Sunday 13:00 – 14:30
Thursday to Saturday 19:30 – 21:00

When making a reservation, you will be will requested to provide your credit card details. We do not ask for an advance, however in case of late cancellation or no show, an amount of €50 per person will be charged. Please read the Terms and Conditions on this page with the explanation.